Monday, November 26, 2012

Code Thing

circle 1
circle 2
circle 3
circle 4
circle 6
circle 8
circle 10
circle 11
circle 12
circle 13
circle 15
circle 17
circle 19
circle 20
circle 21
circle 22
circle 23
circle 25
 circle 27
circle 29
circle 31
circle 32
circle 34
circle 35
circle 36
circle 38
fw 500

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Monday, June 25, 2012

Math Quiz Results

Math Quiz Results:
Time: 00:14:42 Score: Correct: 34 Incorrect: 2

Monday, April 16, 2012

4/16/12 Time4learning Goal Setting

my goal is too do 2 math lessons. I did one and that is because I worked with Mr.Randy a lot of the time one 5th grade math

Thursday, April 12, 2012

My guess is 40 .In. the answer is 183 in. I do not know how fast somethings going.

Math Collaboration

The we were supposed to be collaboration but  we all came up with the idea for boys vs girls and I did not want to do it and I worked by myself and that is what the barriers were.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

4/11/12 Time4learning Goal Setting

my goal for today is to do 2 math lessons. one a scal of one to 5 I am a 5 because I did my goal with help from Mrs.Amy and I have time to read and do a response.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

4/5/12 Time4learning Goal Setting

Today my goal is to do two math lessons on time 4 learning today. I finished my goal before brain break. on a scale from 1 to 5 I am probably a 4 or 5.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

4/3/12 Time4learning Goal Setting

2 to 3 math lessons is my goal for math today. From a scal from 1 to 5 in  lessons today i was a 3 or a 4. on a  scal of 1 to five today a was a 1 because I got stuck on on question.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Youtube Math

add onklike dinomaters use the LCD stradgy (Least Coman Doomater) and the LCM (Least Comen Mulitaple) then you list the lesta coman muiltipais to the first numarator and and do the same to the other numarator then you look fora a come and deiamater thats from both of them and that means that that dinomater you got is your dinonater if ou could not find a least coman mulitpal keep mulitpling til you get one
Then you put the new domater on the bottem of both fractions
do your first dematator and the new dimatator divid them and the answer is the new numrater and you do the same to the other fraction then you add numaraters and ceep the dimamater and then you have your answer

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Inquir Math Briges Unit Conversion

Akashi Kaikyo
In terms of total length its 3,911 m or 12,826 ft and in and in terms of its center span 1991 metres or 6532 ft.
                                                  Magdeburg Water Bridge
This bridge is 918 m long and in feet that is 3011.81102362, 34 m wide and 4.25 m deep.

 Millau Viaduct
The Millau Viaduct is 2,460 m long and in feet it is 8070.86614173, 32 m wide and 343 m high.

Cargo Bridge level #1